Finding the Time to Write when you Have a Full-time Job

This article first appeared on my channel on Medium last 23 June 2023.

I have always struggled to find time for writing my fiction. If I wasn’t at a full-time job, I was running my technology consultancy or boot-strapping another start-up, all the while doing my share of the housework and raising our kids.

For many writers — whether seasoned or aspiring, the daunting challenge of finding time to write while juggling everything else can feel like trying to fit an elephant into a teacup. Yet, amidst the chaos of deadlines and obligations, there’s a secret that I’ve discovered: you can’t actually find time, you have to carve it out and claim it. Let me tell you how.

The Procrastination Puzzle

Many times, I catch myself putting my writing off, to the end of the day, the end of the week, or worse, to the tail-end of the next hectic holiday in my calendar. If we really love the act of writing, why on earth do we put off to the very last minute? Perhaps it’s the fear of facing a blank page? Or is it perhaps the allure of an endless doom scroll online that’s too difficult to resist?

Regardless of the reasons, recognizing our procrastination patterns and why we put off writing is the first step toward overcoming them. Look through my Medium articles for my suggestions on how to deal with writer’s block. TikTok too hard to resist? Use doom scrolling time as a reward for completing a time-based writing goal.

The next crucial step is to consciously put aside the time to write. Here are some of my suggestions on how to carve out some real time:

Rise and Scribble: Embrace the early morning hours when the world is still groggy, and your creative mind is fresh. Set the alarm, brew a strong cup of coffee, and allow the words to flow before the day commandeers your attention.

Lunchtime Liberation: Break free from the clutches of mundane office lunches! Use your midday break to escape to a nearby park or cozy café, armed with a trusty notebook or laptop. Indulge in a sandwich with a side of prose or a bowl of noodles sprinkled with metaphors. Your colleagues will just think you are having a working lunch.

Commute Chronicles: Transform your daily commute into a fertile ground for inspiration. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, observe the world around you. Eavesdrop on snippets of conversation, imagine the lives of fellow commuters, and jot down these fleeting glimpses of humanity. Your train ride might just become a writer’s dream. Another helpful tip — you can actually edit on your phone by emailing yourself your manuscript. The change in screen size will help you spot errors faster.

Stealthy Scribbling: Do you get writing ideas at awkward times? Use a small notebook or note pad application on your phone to quickly record your ideas. These notes will prove very valuable next time you need writing ideas.

After-Hours Haven: Instead of surrendering to mind-numbing television marathons, designate specific evenings for uninterrupted writing. Dim the lights, fuel your imagination with a writer’s snack (or good coffee, tea, or the libation of your choice), and let your imagination run wild. Apologies to Netflix, but you have a story to craft.

In the dance between a full-time job and a burning desire to write, time management is the choreography that sets us free. By understanding why we put off our writing, and employing creative strategies to carve out writing moments, we can unravel the enigma of productivity.

So, dear aspiring writers, let us don our pens like swords and march into battle against the ever-ticking clock. Remember, with a sprinkle of humour and a touch of audacity, the words will find their way to the page, and the world will be richer for it. We all have stories inside us. Now, go forth and conquer the teacup-sized elephant of time!

PS. If you haven’t done so yet, please follow me on Medium. Thank you!